Friday, May 18, 2012

Human Heart :)

World is not only seen by the blind
But it is seen by the human heart
And not by the human sight

Relations do not stand because of boundations
But it stands because of the human heart
And not the human (man) kind

Expressions are not only expressed by the one lost
But are expressed in the human heart
And not in the human smile.

Memories are not only remembered by the insane
But lie deep beneath in the human heart
And not in the human mind 

Love is not only done by a lover
But it is done by the human heart
And not by the human signs

Peace is not because of the existence
But it is discovered by the human heart
And not by the human time

Music is not only heard by the deaf
But it is heard in the human heart
And not in the human ear

Death is not experienced by the body
But it is redempted in the human heart
And not in the human fate

Pe@Ce OuT !!
:) :) :)

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