Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to start and run Online newspaper

The thesis investigates the impact that social media such as Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and LinkedIn has had on the online running newspaper industry. The thesis includes an analysis of the social media integration of top professional ideas of making money online in the United States and the world. The final section of this thesis includes a social media integration plan for the online money making series via domain names, search engines and a lot more. Research concluded that social media is a new way to communicate that will continue to evolve and change the landscape of the communications industry. All the experienced professionals were among the first to adopt this new type of communication and will continue to adapt their profession with each successive change. The analysis showed that the professional approach globally had the most social media integration. Many of the online money making leagues Lacked social networking and a social media policy.  This analysis leads to proposing that online running of the newspaper creates two unique social networks for all the potential employees and the existing ones.

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