Monday, April 22, 2013

Beauty under techno attack:

My readers must be wondering about the topic. Well it is to tell you how science and technology can harm our God-gifted beauty. It is not a cautionary account but what is wrong in becoming a little more aware. 

A little baby is soft, supple and very beautiful. I know that we all know it but we do not acknowledge the reason behind it, the simple fact is that we do not tamper with the baby’s naturalness. Here I am going to make you put on your thinking cap, if we do not wish to harm the natural beauty of a baby, why do we allow ourselves to become artificial? Some might argue that with age you need technology and science to look younger than the true age, but why? And, why can we not remain naturally glowing? Do we mistrust the time-taking but sustainable and effective natural methods? All these questions you need not answer me back but, give an answer to yourselves. Meanwhile, I will take you through some technological advances and how, they make us look youthful and beautiful but, harm us in the long run.

Hair worries:
Traditionally, women were not even allowed to cut their hair, this fact was aptly used by Louisa May Alcott when in her classic ‘Little Women’, she shows a desperate Josephine is going for a haircut and is looked at with suspicion by the saloon owner. Here I will tell you about one more literary woman whose cutting off her locks made me weep and wet my pillow. When Della had to chop off her locks, ‘the Gift of Magi’ became a torture tale to me so you can well imagine how I felt bad to hear Rapunzel giving away her lustrous locks. But we do not respect our mane and technology helps us to disrespect. When we wash our hairs we do not have the patience to let them dry on their own, and what do we do? Blow dry with hair dryer. This blow dryer makes the hairs coarse, limp and invites split ends with each blow of warm air. Hairs have their own texture some have it curly, some have the floating waves and some have a straight, but man we love to flout it too and thanks to hair straightening rods and curlers. They make curls go straight and the straights go curly and there goes away the natural shine and strength of our hairs away with the fumes and steam that rises when the wet hairs come into contact with the hot rod.

Color and chemicals:
God has given gorgeous colors to our heirs and we do not honor the heavenly choice. What do we do?  Like our hair texture we become hell bent on changing the color too. And what is this color? Nothing but science enabled chemicals and serums that can make our colors get colored in the colors of the rainbow, but yes, we can make our hair jet black, chestnut brown, burgundy red, fiery yellow and what not, ask for it and you get it. We also use chemical packs and serums to make our hairs look beautiful but do they really help? We have always heard the proverb where we discuss the slave and master equation between the sciences and man and here, we become the slave of science. Our hairs refuse to look good and to restore them to the salon style glossy glamour, we need to use and reuse and keep using these chemical equations.

Today, I have discussed science and the beauty of our hairs but the buck does not stop here. I shall meet you again and tell you about how science disturbs our natural beauty. Are you ready to meet me again and discuss little more? Till then I hope you can become the natural master and not the technological slave. 

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